How to find the best pediatrician near you

Posted by admin on Jul 25th, 2024

How to find a best doctor or pediatrician near you?

How to find a best pediatrician near you
How to find a best pediatrician near you

First, you must define what or who is a best doctor or pediatrician.

The word “paediatrics” means “healer of children”; they are derived from two Greek words: (pais = child) and (iatros = doctor or healer).

Literally, a doctor of a children must heal or make the life and health of a child the best ever. Improving the quality of life of a child is one of their mission one way or another.

Merriam Webster defined the word doctor as a person skilled or specializing in healing arts. especially: one (as a physician, dentist, or veterinarian) who holds an advanced degree and is licensed to practice.

The word doctor originated from the Latin word for “teacher” and originally referred to a small group of theologians who had approval from the Church to speak on religious matters. Eventually the term saw greater use referring to qualified academic and medical professionals.

Collins dictionary define the word doctor as:

1. a person licensed to practice medicine, as a physician, surgeon, dentist, or veterinarian.

2. a person who has been awarded a doctor’s degree.

According to a health encyclopedia A pediatrician is a medical doctor (MD) who treats children. They provide: Preventive health maintenance and ongoing monitoring for healthy children. Medical care for children who are acutely or chronically ill. 

Whether you call it a doctor, or a pediatrician is all up to your personal preference.

The list below are the best traits of a pediatrician you need to look for:

  1. Best Communicator Doctor  
  2. Relational Doctor  
  3. Patient, Calm, even-tempered doctor
  4. Honest, transparent and trustworthy Doctor  
  5. Doctor who Prioritizes you
  6. Too genuine and caring Doctor  
  7. Doctor who Loves your kids unconditionally


Best Communicator Doctor  

Best Communicator of kids
Best Communicator of kids

A best communicator pediatrician is someone that understands, listens, and make connections with your child and to you.

Relational Doctor  

relational pediatrician in new jersey
relational pediatrician in new jersey

A Relational pediatrician is someone that builds friendly relationship to your child and to you just to ensure the health of your kids.

Patient, Calm, even-tempered doctor

patient doctor of kids
patient doctor of kids

One of the best character of a pediatrician is being patient. Britannica defines it as able to remain calm and not become annoyed when waiting for a long time or when dealing with problems or difficult people.

Honest, transparent and trustworthy Doctor  

Honest, transparent and trustworthy doctor
Honest, transparent and trustworthy doctor

A pediatrician with real honesty and transparency is the best person you can trust for your child. They will offend you often as they are honest but that will set you free eventually. This is tough character to practice as there are kids too sensitive to realities.

Doctor who Prioritizes you

doctor that prioritizes you
doctor that prioritizes you

The pediatrician that prioritizes you is someone who gives you time no matter how busy they are. They will keep on touch with you via call, sms, or in social media.

Too genuine, kind, and caring Doctor

genuine kind caring doctor
genuine kind caring doctor

From the word URGENT CARE there is no one who will refuse to get genuine care. Whether you like it or not a CARING pediatrician is all you kids need- even YOU.

Doctor who Loves your kids unconditionally

This is the ultimate or supreme quality of a pediatrician! You might doubt it but there still someone who loves your child with no return.

This is too rare and if you find someone who will love your child with no reciprocation because they just love what they do and they are just passionate for kids – you are in the right place!

How many pediatricians in New Jersey?

If you are wondering on how many kids’ doctor is available in New Jersey try to read the table below. You can also check the statistics here.

how many pediatrician in New Jersey 2024
how many pediatricians in New Jersey 2024

It is interesting that in New York New Jersey there are an estimate of 4,560 pediatricians last year but for this year 2024 it may increase. Based on the data above California has fewer pediatricians than New Jersey or New York.

However, that number is still good as long as children population is controlled. Imagine the ratio between a doctor and the child per state. This is the reason why URGENT CARE is the best way to get healthcare services you need right away.

Hospitals might be crowded so URGENT CARE is the best choice one way or another.

At Kinder Pediatric Urgent Care, the moment you come to us, expect that you will get nothing but excellent medical care for your child. Our dedicated staff consists of board-certified pediatricians that are highly-qualified and experienced to provide excellent medical care to accommodate most urgent situations. Read furthermore on why choose an Urgent Care here.

What a pediatrician really does?

Generally speaking, pediatricians focus on babies, kids, children, teens, and young adults from birth to about age 21 up to 26.

They solve almost all child problems in New Jersey or in U.S!

To give you the overview of what they do just read the following details below.

Reduce infant and child death

The mortality of your child is the primary concern of the pediatricians. Believe it or not, they want your kids to live over one hundred years as much as possible!

Control infectious disease

Along with the mortality, child’s infections are being controlled by the pediatricians. It is either diagnostic or preventive, then treat it eventually.

Encourage healthy lifestyles

Pediatricians motivate your kids to have a healthy living. This is by educating, nurturing, and even one to one mentorship if necessary.

Chronic conditions control

If your child has chronic disease which is defined as a lasting disease that is difficult to cure, pediatricians are the one who can help you. Pediatricians mastered or perfected that child’s health whatever it is.

Correct development and Preventive health screenings

Pediatricians help your child to developed properly and by regular preventive screening your kids will be alright.

Illness and diseases of child that pediatrician treats

Now, you may ask what kids doctor does are treating. Try to read this page about the list of illness or diseases that pediatricians help to solve.

But in general, here are the list you can check for your reference

Child Infections (Bacterial & Viral Infections)

All About the Flu (Influenza)
Booster Shots
Campylobacter Infections
Cat Scratch Disease
Chickenpox (Varicella)
Cold Sores
Conjunctivitis (Pinkeye) In Kids
Coxsackievirus Infections
Cytomegalovirus (CMV)
Dengue Fever
E. Coli Infections: Diarrhea
Enterovirus Infections
Fever (High Temperature) In Kids
Food Poisoning
Gastroenteritis (Stomach Flu)
Infant Botulism
Infections That Pets Can Spread
Is It a Cold, the Flu, an RSV Infection, or COVID-19?
Is it Safe to Breastfeed if I Have COVID-19?
Listeria Infections
Lyme Disease
Measles (Rubeola)
Measles: What You Need to Know
Meningitis in Kids
Middle Ear Infections (Otitis Media)
Mononucleosis (Mono)
Mosquito-Borne Diseases
Mpox (Monkeypox)
Peritonsillar Abscess
Powassan Virus Disease
PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis)
Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) and Related Conditions
Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)
Retropharyngeal Abscess
Reye Syndrome
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
Rubella (German Measles)
Salmonella Infections
Scarlet Fever
Shigella Infections (Shigellosis)
Sinusitis (Sinus Infection)
Staph Infections
Strep Throat In Kids and Teens
Swimmer’s Ear (Otitis Externa)
Talking to Your Kids About STDs
The COVID-19 Vaccine (Topic Center)
The Danger of Antibiotic Overuse
Tick Removal: A Step-by-Step Guide
Toxic Shock Syndrome
Toxic Synovitis
Understanding COVID-19
Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)
Using Insect Repellents Safely
Walking Pneumonia Signs, Diagnosis, & Treatment
West Nile Virus
What Is Herd Immunity?
When Is an Illness Contagious?
Whooping Cough (Pertussis)
Zika Virus

read more about kid’s infections

Child Injuries

Medical injuries for kids are defined as a wound or other physical problem caused by damage, such as a cut, a broken bone, or a burn. 

Read more about kid’s injuries in US

Children Genetic defects

According to National Human Genome Research Institute, Genetic defects are a disease caused in whole or in part by a change in the DNA sequence away from the normal sequence.

Cystic fibrosis
Spina bifida
Down syndrome
Fragile X syndrome
Marfan syndrome
Angelman syndrome
Cleft lip and cleft palate
Congenital heart defect
Muscular dystrophy
Phenylketonuria (PKU)
Tay–Sachs disease
Apert syndrome
Birth defects
Klinefelter syndrome
Chromosome abnormality
Sickle cell disease
Prader–Willi syndrome

Read the list of the Genetic Defects here

Child Malignancies

According to National Cancer Institute, Malignancies are diseases in which abnormal cells divide without control and can invade nearby tissues. Malignant cells can also spread to other parts of the body through the blood and lymph systems.

The list below are examples for kids

Wilms’ tumor
Brain Tumors
Bone tumor
Spinal tumor
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma
Germ cell tumor
Kidney tumour

Organic diseases and dysfunctions

Verywell Health defined it as one in which there are measurable biological changes in tissues and organs that lead to symptoms. Examples of these are infectious diseases, inflammatory diseases, metabolic disorders, neurological diseases, autoimmune disorders, and cancer

Read more about Organic Disease here


Prevention, early detection, and management of child problems

Child Behavioral problems

According to US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Behavioral Problems described as “Children sometimes argue, are aggressive, or act angry or defiant around adults. A behavior disorder may be diagnosed when these disruptive behaviors are uncommon for the child’s age at the time, persist over time, or are severe.  Because disruptive behavior disorders involve acting out and showing unwanted behavior towards others they are sometimes called externalizing disorders. “

Child Developmental disorders

MaineHealth defined Development disorders as “impairments in a child’s physical, cognitive, language, or behavioral development. They can impact everyday functioning and usually last throughout a person’s lifetime. Developmental disorders can affect physical abilities, such as vision, and mental abilities, such as learning.”

Child Functional problems

Center for Disease Control and Prevention described Functional Problems of kids as it as “difficulty in any of the following four functional domains: sensory, movement, cognitive, or emotional or behavioral”

Child Social stresses

If you want to know more about types of stress that your child may be having you can read more here 

They listed the help you need for your kids stresses. They described it this way: Kids and teens feel stress when there’s something they need to prepare for, adapt to, or guard against. They feel stress when something that matters to them is at stake. Change often prompts stress — even when it’s a change for the better.”

Basically, not only adults are getting stress. even your child is feeling the same. The only difference is that your kids are vulnerable and too weak to handle tough stress that you have overcame before. Thus, you must help them or simply go to an URGENT CARE!

Child Depression or anxiety

Healthline describe it this way:”If your child has anxiety, they may experience uncontrollable and extreme fear with certain triggers. They may worry about the future or have intense attacks of fear that include a pounding heart and trouble breathing. If your child has depression, they may feel sad and irritable a lot of the time”

Just like stresses, your kids are vulnerable too from depression and anxiety. They are not exempted from thinking too negative about their future or at present.

These are the signs you should watch out for your children according to Center for Disease Control and Prevention:

  • excessive fears about family, school, friends, or activities
  • worry about the future
  • changes in sleeping and eating patterns
  • physical symptoms such as stomachache, headache, muscle aches, or tension
  • restlessness or irritability
  • fear of making mistakes or being embarrassed
  • feeling sad and hopeless
  • loss of interest in activities that were pleasurable
  • changes in sleeping and eating patterns
  • listless behavior and feeling fatigued
  • loss of concentration
  • feeling worthless, useless, or guilty
  • self-injury
  • thoughts of death or suicide


  1. Be honest with yourself, your child, and with your pediatrician. LISTEN TO YOUR INSTINCTS, YOUR KIDS, AND YOUR DOCTOR!
  2. Urgent Care is the quickest way to get healthcare services at affordable cost. Just make sure you know where you go.
  3. Health is wealth as what an adage says but it can only be achieved if you visit an URGENT CARE regularly.
  4. Get insured with any insurance available. You can save a lot if you have insurance that will cover your child or even you! Bever take it for granted. Eventually you will realize its value when the rain or storm comes. Otherwise, you will get your cash out of pocket to pay your bills.
  5. Pray and have faith in God the true healer!


Now, let’s answer the question how to find the best doctor near you!

Given the many factors and attributes mentioned above, finding your doctor in New Jersey is your personal discretion, discernment, and preferences. However, if you just want to search “best child doctor near me” or “24 hour doctor near me” without reading reviews or scrutinizing the urgent care, you will miss the opportunity to get the best healthcare services you deserve.

Try to read this real doctor story and you will find or understand what we mean!

Always ask the doctor the whole truth about the illness or whatever problems of a child.  Ask your doctor the options available to solve your child’s problems.

If you want to  save money in medical, avail any insurance you afford. Insurance will save you and your family in the long run. But id does not mean you will rely on your insurance. PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE so always take good care of your child health. It is a no brainer that being healthy is a must and an URGENT PRIORITY above all.

If you have other questions you can read this common queries and answers.

Last but not the least, have faith in God and always pray for your child or family!

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